
EMIR&A, French network of accelerators for irradiation and analysis of molecules and materials

EMIR&A is a network of facilities providing the scientific community with a set of advanced accelerators and in situ instruments with unique performances, dedicated to irradiation and analysis of molecules and materials.

Submit a proposal

The annual call for proposal is now open !

Deadline submission is the 23 October 2023 ! 

Before submission, please contact the platform to discuss the feasibility of the experiment

Help to submit your proposal


EMIR&A facilities

The EMIR&A facilities are complementary to one another, regarding the accelerated particles, the available energies and the available instrumentation. They are distributed on 6 sites.


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Publications and theses



In brief

Research Infrastructure

EMIR&A is also a Research Infrastructure, listed in the Roadmap 2021-2025 of the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research, and Innovation

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What to do with EMIR&A ?

Study of Irradiation and radiolysis effects in solids, in situ physical and chemical characterizations of materials, including ion beam analysis

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EMIR&A: a structure with international implications

EMIR&A is composed of 15 accelerators, distributed over 11 platforms located on 6 sites. Over the 2017-2020 period, EMIR&A users come on average for 2/3 from French laboratories and for 1/3 from foreign laboratories.